- Project: Walkway Structure, Christ The King College
- Description: School Walkway Canopy
- Location: Lewisham
- Applications: Walkway
- Fabric: PVC Coated Polyester
- Frame: Two Part Coated Steel
- Fixings: Stainless Steel
- Ref: 1878
We completed this walkway canopy for Christ the King Sixth Form College in Lewisham prior to the students starting the new Autumn term.
The canopy has been installed to enhance the appearance of the building and to provide valuable rain protection for students walking between the buildings.
The use of the steel frame spanning from the building to the uprights means that the lateral load of the fabric is taken out - leaving only up/down loads and self weight loads to be imposed onto the building - also resulting in small foundations.
We used a tough PVC coated polyester fabric providing a long lasting skin - that when cleaned on a regular basis should look great for around 15-20 years.
The frame is a two part coated steel frame and all rigging was stainless steel.